National Mass
In addition to the local diocesan Masses and other events for servers, each year the Guild hosts a National Mass for Altar Server’s young and old, and their families, to celebrate our work and remember and pray for our dedicated serving brothers and sisters who have gone to their eternal reward. Servers from outside the UK are always welcome to attend.
As part of the programme of renewal of the Guild, under the guidance of Cardinal Nichols, in 2018 it was decided to change the location of the Mass each year to a different diocese around the country so as to reach as many Altar Server’s as possible. Every alternate year the Mass is held at the Guild’s home of Westminster Cathedral. Please see our Events page for more information on all upcoming events.
Upcoming National Masses
2025 - Lancaster Cathedral (Saturday, 17th May)
2026 - Westminster Cathedral
2027 - Shrewsbury Cathedral
Previous National Masses
You can view photos from previous events on our Flickr account.
2024 - Westminster Cathedral
National Mass 2024 Photos (© Mazur/cbcew.org.uk)
2023 - Cardiff Metropolitan Cathedral
Archbishop Mark O'Toole
2022 - Westminster Cathedral
2021 - Parish Church of Saints Mary and John, Wolverhampton (Birmingham Archdiocese)
2020 - Canceled (Pandemic)
2019 - Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Kelly
2018 - Westminster Cathedral