The Archconfraternity recognises the generous and loyal service of its members with various awards due based on the length of service and merit.
Bronze Medals and Certificates can be ordered from the Guild Shop, all other awards must be applied for as described below.
The Medal Cord is always a red cord, symbolic of the martyrdom of St Stephen, in the same way that the clergy wear red vestments in a Mass for a martyr. Under no circumstances may another colour cord be substituted.
Bronze Medal
Criteria: Serving for no less than 6 months and following a satisfactory probationary period of service.
Worn: Around the neck on plain Red Cord.
Awarded by: The Parish Priest on the recommendation of the Parish MC.
Certificate of 5 years service
Criteria: Served for no less than 5 years but less than 10 as a member of the Guild.
Awarded by: The Parish Priest on the recommendation of the Parish MC.
Silver Medal
Criteria: Served for no less than 10 years as a member of the Guild
Worn: Around the neck on a Red Cord with Tassel.
Awarded by: The local Diocesan Director of the Guild on the recommendation of the Parish Priest.
To apply, complete the form below and return it by post or e-mail to your local diocesan director of the Guild, see our Contact page for details. If your application is approved you will be sent a link to pay for the medal online.
Silver Medal Application Form (for parishes in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, please apply via their website).
Silver Medal of Merit
Criteria: Served for no less than 20 years and was not a member of the Guild the whole time.
Worn: Attached to the Cotta or Alb on the left side with the Bronze or Silver Medal as appropriate on a Red Cord with Tassel.
Awarded by: The local Diocesan Director on the recommendation of the Parish Priest.
To apply, complete the form below and return it by post or e-mail to your local diocesan director of the Guild, see our Contact page for details. If your application is approved you will be sent a link to pay for the medal online.
Silver Medal of Merit Application Form (for parishes in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, please apply via their website).
Gold Medal
Criteria: Served for no less than 50 years as a member of the Guild.
Worn: Around the neck on a Red Cord with Tassel.
Awarded by: The Guild Central Council on the recommendation of the Parish Priest.
For Gold Medal applications please apply online.
Gold Medal of Merit
Criteria: Served for no less than 50 years and was not a member of the Guild the whole time.
Worn: Attached to the Cotta or Alb on the left side with a Guild Medal (Bronze, Silver or Gold as appropriate) on a Red Cord with Tassel.
Awarded by: The Guild Central Council on the recommendation of the Parish Priest.
For Gold Medal of Merit applications please apply online.