Location: The Parish Hall, St Aloysius Church, Phoenix Road, Somers Town, London, NW1 1TA. As well as on Microsoft Teams.
Time: Mass: 12noon, AGM: 1.30pm.
Buffet Refreshments will be served from after Mass until 1.30pm
Keynote Speaker: Rev Dr Tony Strike, Permanent Deacon and Diocesan Director for Hallam.
The Church is a short walk from Euston, Kings Cross & St Pancras Stations, Buses 168 & 253 stop at Eversholt Street alongside Euston Station.
All those who have received the Archconfraternity Gold Medal in the past year, are especially invited to attend to receive a special certificate and a photograph with the National Director and Honorary President. Please notify the Honorary Secretary if you are attending by email: secretary@guildofststephen.org
All attending are invited to bring a small or large photographic display of serving events in their parish during the last year to celebrate the life and work of affiliated branches of the Guild.
The Central Council urges all members to make the effort to attend and take a full part in the discussion of matters pertinent to an A.G.M. Presentation of Accounts, National Director’s Address, Annual report of the Central Council and Election of Council Members. Voting is open to all enrolled members of the Guild aged 16 or over.
The Officers and Members of the Council look forward to meeting with members during the buffet lunch.